Just like Martin Luther King Jr proclaimed "I have a dream," I too have a dream and a vision for what we can achieve in the track and field community.
Despite a wealth of talented athletes, track has never really been that big in Niagara the way it is in some of Ontario's other major centres like Toronto, London, Windsor. Even Hamilton. Although there are many different clubs in these regions, the numbers of participants are massive. There are barriers for us. We lack indoor facilities which makes it all the more difficult to adequately train in the winter without traveling extensively. But even outdoor participation is lower compared to these other major regions. Far more kids in Niagara are playing recreational soccer or hockey. We have to wonder why and we have to be the change one bit at a time. My vision is to let people know that track exists in the community and that it is a great thing to be a part of.
The vision is bigger than one person or one club. We are trying to give opportunities to those who would otherwise have none. We are trying to open the minds and hearts of those who have never tried track or who maybe never took it seriously (maybe you just did and to let them know the possibilities that await if they embrace it and give it a chance. We are trying to build up the community and grow the sport... we are trying to make connections with like-minded individuals and groups and build bridges. We all benefit when we can learn and grow from each other. We are all about supporting and nurturing the athletes so that they can be the best they can be!
Participation in any form of athletics has many benefits. If track is your main passion then you have made a wonderful and rewarding choice. If you have another primary sport, participating in track is a great way to supplement your training and is transferable to any sports. We try to be flexible and balance out your training. Athletes who partake in multiple sports learn valuable skills such as time management, discipline, and responsibility. My vision is one in which different sports and groups support each other. This does not mean that any athlete has to give up any other sport that they love, but just that they can find a way to try something new.
This is a great movement and a great time to start to shape the future of track in Niagara, in Ontario, and in Canada. There are provincial champions out there who don't even know it yet... athletes who could be among the top in Canada. The Canada Summer Games are coming to Niagara in 2021.
My vision is one in which we will build a group of dedicated passionate athletes who train together, grow together, and compete together. A group of elite runners. A group of elite jumpers. A group of elite throwers. Athletes who want to strive for their best and reach their maximum potential. Athletes who are willing to work hard and train hard. It takes as much commitment to your team and to your teammates as to yourself. I hope that you will become a part of this vision. Every single person is important and valuable - whether you are an athlete, coach, parent, family member, community member. There is a part to play for everyone.
Please contact us at thoroldelitetc@gmail.com if you see value in this vision and are able to help in any way.